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Welcome to the Safeopedia Community

We Believe

We believe individuals committed to Safety are the unsung heroes who tirelessly dedicate their skills, knowledge, and passion to create safe environments, mitigate risks, and ensure the well-being of countless others.

A rising tide lifts all boats – we've created a place to come together to connect, collaborate, improve, share insights, access resources, learn from one another, and elevate our collective expertise.


Harness the collective genius of the safety industry. Be a place where those who are committed to workplace safety can gather, learn, contribute, and where appropriate, challenge the status quo in ways that make us and the overall safety community better.

Safeopedia Community


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Community + University

Access to the Safeopedia Community+
Access to Unlimited CEUs in the Safeopedia University+
Access to Safety Connect & all Mini Safety Connects for 365 Days!
Total Value of $3,705

$197 /annually

  • 1 year Access
  • Peer to peer networking, meetups, exclusive workshops, and more! Value over $500
  • Get Paid for your participation in surveys, product reviews, focus groups. Value over $200
  • Access to new Safeopedia Community platform dedicated to Safety-Minded Professionals
  • Searchable Experience, Resource Sharing, and Collaboration
  • Knowledge Management – Ask, answer, and search questions
  • Rewards & Recognition
  • Access to Safety Connect Virtual Conference and Mini Connects for 365 Days (Value $1,755)
    40+ Speakers
    10+ Exhibitors
    Professional Development Sessions
    2.0+ CEUs
    Peer Networking
    100s of prizes totalling over $10,000
  • Access to Safeopedia University’s full library of Professional Development Webinars with UNLIMITED CEUs (over $1,250 Value / Year)

Don't Need CEUs?

Access to the Safeopedia Community platform

$47 /annually

  • 1 year Access
  • Peer to peer networking, meetups, exclusive workshops, and more! Value over $500
  • Get Paid for your participation in surveys, product reviews, focus groups. Value over $200
  • Access to new Safeopedia Community platform dedicated to Safety-Minded Professionals
  • Searchable Experience, Resource Sharing, and Collaboration
  • Knowledge Management – Ask, answer, and search questions
  • Rewards & Recognition

Community Founding Members

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